Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Child Psychology essays

Child Psychology essays Child development is a field of study devoted to understanding human constancy and change from conception to adolescence. There are three broad domains in developmental psychology: 1) Physical development: changes in body size, proportions, appearance, brain development, motor capacities, and physical health 2) Cognitive psychology: development of thought processes and intellectual ability, including attention, memory, problem solving, creativity, 3) Emotional and social development: emotional communication, self-understanding, ability to manage feelings, personal skills, friendship, and behavior. Each of these domains influences and are influenced by others. Child development is also segmented into five periods: 1) Prenatal period: from conception to birth, this is where the most rapid change occurs. 2) Infancy to toddlerhood: from birth to two years. Dramatic changes in the body and brain support emergence of motor skills, intimate ties with others. Infancy is the first year and toddlerhood is the second. 3) Early childhood: two to six years: body becomes longer and leaner, motor skills are refined and the child becomes more self-controlled. 4) Middle childhood: six to eleven years. Children learn about the wider world and master new responsibilities. 5) Adolescence: from 11 to 20. This is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. A theory is an integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior. Continuous development is a view which states development occurs gradually. Discontinuous development is the view which states that development occurs in stages that emerge at specific times. A stage is a qualitative change in thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterizes a specific period of development. Nature vs. Nurture is the disagreement among theorists about whether genetics or the environment factors are more important determinants of development a...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Convert Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet

How to Convert Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet Cubic feet and cubic meters are both measures of volume, the former in the imperial and U.S. customary system, and the latter in the metric system. The conversion is most easily explained with an example problem: How many cubic feet of space is enclosed by a box measuring 2m x 2m x 3m? Solution Step 1: Find the volume of the box Volume in m ³ 2m x 2m x 3m 12 m ³ Step 2: Determine how many cubic feet are in 1 cubic meter 1 m 3.28084 ft (1 m) ³ (3.28084 ft) ³ 1 m ³ 35.315 ft ³ Step 3: Convert m ³ to ft ³ Set up the conversion so  that the desired unit will be canceled out. In this case, we want ft ³ to be the remaining unit. Volume in ft ³ Volume in m ³ x 35.315 ft ³/1 m ³ Volume in ft ³ 12 m ³ x 35.315 ft ³/1 m ³ Volume in ft ³ 423.8 ft ³ Answer The volume of space, in cubic feet, enclosed by a box measuring 2m x 2m x 3m is 423.8 ft ³ Cubic Feet To Cubic Meters Example Problem You can work the conversion the other way. As a simple example, convert 50.0 cubic feet to cubic meters. Start with the conversion factor: 1 m3 35.315 ft3 or 1 ft3 0.0283 m3 It doesnt matter which conversion factor you use, providing you set up the problem correctly. Volume in cubic meters 50.0 cubic feet x (1 cubic meter / 35.315 cubic feet) The cubic feet will cancel out, leaving cubic meters: Volume in cubic meters is 1.416 m3.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HUMAN RESOURCE PAPER - Essay Example This is because studies in organisational theories put emphasis on a number of interrelated fields of study such as communication, management and sociology, out of which the idea of behaviour can be studied. But because organisational theories are focused on organisations, the kind of behaviour that is studied as part of these fields is generalised and termed as organisational behaviour (Gumusluoglu and Ilsev, 2009). In principle therefore, organisational be said to be the study of how the behaviour of individuals, groups and corporate structures influence an organisation. Organisational behaviour is often undertaken as a study, in which case involves a number of qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis and data collection to take decisions on ways of improving organisational effectiveness (Bollen, 2009). It is therefore a very valid argument to make that organisational behaviour is directly related to organisational effectiveness. But for there to be organisational effective ness, there are key components of organisational behaviour that must come to play, two of which are critically analysed below. Adaptive leadership theory and its influence on organisational effectiveness Adaptive Leadership and its role on Organisational Behaviour An organization without a leader may best be likened to a snake without a head. In such a situation, the organization becomes as powerless and the snake with its head cut off (Coad and Berry, 1998). This is because just as the head of a snake does for the snake, the leader is there to determine the direction that the organization will take in all its endeavours and corporate dealings (Bessant and Buckingham, 2003). It would however be noted that just as there are several forms of snakes, there are also several types of leaders, using different styles and forms of leadership. In recent times, one of the commonest forms of leaderships that are used in both the academia and in practice is the adaptive leadership. Adaptive lea dership is very influential as a component of organizational behaviour, just as leadership in general is (Homburg, Krohmer and Workman, 1999). This is because from the definition of organizational behaviour, it is realized that organizational behaviour generally makes reference to how the organization reacts in intra-personal and inter-personal manner (Guns, 1996). Meanwhile, this sense of response is triggered by the leader, who determines how the organisation must behave. There are several ways in which leadership influences or determines organisational behaviour. In the first place, the leadership style and leadership phenomenon used at the workplace determines the kind of interactions and relationships that will exist among employees, between employees and employers, and between employees and customers (Bueno et al, 2010). Meanwhile, the nature of interactions and relationships that are in place within an organisation is a very instrumental part of organisational behaviour (Kant er, 2003). A typical example of this can be cited with Toyota Motor Corporation where the type of leadership practiced, which is adaptive leadership makes it possible for all employees to be freely part of organisational level decision making. Because of this, there is constant interaction and exchanges between employees, making it easier for employees to understand each other and thus create a more friendly and hospitable organisational behaviour among themselves and among other clients of the organisation. Another role of leadership on organisational behaviour is that leadership is very instrumental in the setting of organisational goals (Podsakoff and Organ, 1986). Meanwhile, Garcia (2008) stated that the goals, aims and visions of an organisation determines the response of the organisatio

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Meditation for chronic pain backed by nursing research Paper

Meditation for chronic pain backed by nursing - Research Paper Example In this regard, the current discourse aims to determine what nursing research says about using meditation to manage chronic pain; and, according to the role of nursing, one seeks to determine if this modality is effective in treating chronic pain. Nursing Research on Meditation to Manage Chronic Pain The research article written by Chiesa and Serretti (2011) and entitled â€Å"Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review of the Evidence† proffered pertinent issues relative to using mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques to alleviate chronic pain. As disclosed, â€Å"MBSR is a standardized group-based meditation program conceived in the late 1970s from the effort to integrate Buddhist mindfulness meditation with contemporary Western clinical and psychological practice† (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011, p. 83). The authors initially described techniques commonly applied in MBSR that focuses on body scan, sitting meditation, and yoga (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011). The findings revealed inconclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of using MBIs as an intervention for chronic pain and to allegedly reduce related depression that ensues from the pain experience. In another study written by Morone, Lynch, Greco, Tindle, and Weiner (2008), the authors sought the participation of 27 older adults reportedly complaining of low back chronic pain. Through the use of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), in conjunction with diverse methods that aim to reduce pain, such as â€Å"distraction, increased body awareness leading to behavior change, better pain coping, and direct pain reduction through meditation† (Morone, Lynch, Greco, Tindle, & Weiner, 2008, p. 841), participants have noted in their respective diaries, significant improvement in managing pain, in well-being, in sleeping, and in attention-related activities. Finally, in the study conducted by Tul, Unruh, and Dick (2 011), the authors specifically aimed to determine how yoga, a form of meditation, serves as a means to address chronic pain. As specifically revealed, â€Å"the yoga program offered its participants a new way of engaging with their body resulting in heightened re?ection and self-awareness that enabled most participants to feel more control over their pain† (Tul, Unruh, & Dick, 2011, p. 440). As such, the meditative strategy accorded through yoga enabled the participants to refocus on more positive methods for relaxation that allowed them to channel their energies to meditation techniques rather than be fixated in the chronic pain. The research article written by Chiesa and Serretti (2011) actually included, through a tabular representation, the summary of previous studies conducted on the subject of using meditation as a means to alleviate chronic pain. The summary disclosed that 10 conclusive studies had focused on MBIs but generated different results, as above noted. As cle arly founded, â€Å"there is not yet suf?cient evidence to determine whether MBIs could be more ef?cacious than nonspeci?c interventions such as support and educational control groups for the reduction of pain and depressive symptoms in patients with chronic pain† (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011, p. 91). Meditation as Modality to Treat Chronic Pain As Seen through the Role of Nursing From the diverse results that were disclosed and which

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Electoral College System Essay Example for Free

Electoral College System Essay The Electoral College system is a part of the United States Constitution. It has been present since the creation of the nation. There has never been a United States presidential election not determined by the Electoral College system (Kuroda 127). In the first presidential election of 1789 George Washington was awarded 69 electoral votes to win his first term as the first president of the fledgling nation. The idea of eliminating what is seen as an archaic and unwieldy form of election has been considered for years, but what most politicians have found is that it is never easy to amend the United States Constitution, particularly in favor of an unknown. People believe they have a system, that while cumbersome and antiquated, still functions as the founding fathers intended it to do. With some of the founding fathers of the opinion that the average citizen was not well enough informed to make a logical or wise decision as to who should succeed to the highest office in the land, it was thought to be imminently better for a Congress to elect the president. When that idea was defeated, the proponents settled for having a group of unbound electors be sent to the capital each four years, and there decide for the people. Writing in the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton said: It was desirable that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of the person to whom so important a trust was to be confided. This end will be answered by committing the right of making it, not to any pre-established body, but to men chosen by the people for the special purpose, and at the particular conjuncture. (par. 2) And still today, while the electors are faithful to the point that an unfaithful elector is an aberration, the fact remains that electors have options and can, if they wish, simply deny the will of the people (Archives. gov 1). Besides the fact that the nation has had presidential winners who did not win a majority of the popular vote, which in essence denies the will of the people, this system is maintained (Abbott and Levine 21). There is a need for, at the very least, a major over-haul of the system, and possibly a totally new approach, allowing for the direct election of the president by the popular vote of the American people. The arguments in favor of the Electoral College are specious today, particularly in regard to the people being informed enough to make a decision, and for that reason, as well as numerous others, the Electoral College should be discarded in favor of a system which better expresses the will of We the People. The present system has its advocates, and they make some good points in favor of not scraping the Electoral College. They rightly point out that such an act would not only be difficult, requiring a Constitutional amendment, necessitating a two-thirds majority of both house of Congress to agree, but also three-fourths of all the states would also have to acquiesce on the matter. They point out that in the past there have only been 27 amendments to this blueprint of government so well written by the nation’s founders. They also point out that some amendments have proven to be national disasters, such as Amendment 18. This system, they argue, has served the nation for over near 220 years and it simply is not wise to exchange a system which works for an unknown, which could result in chaos or even massive civil disturbance. It offers, they argue, both parity and equity to the smaller states, which would have virtually no voice in a direct election system. Then comes the question of what system would be better. There are several ideas being floated occasionally as trial balloons. The Congressional District method has been proposed. It comes with its own problems, however, and fails to address some of the more troubling aspects of the Electoral College system. This system proposes that each Congressional District be given one vote and allotting the two Senatorial votes as a bonus for the winner of the statewide popular vote. Maine and Nebraska currently use this method. First, this system does not correct one of the perceived flaws of the current system, which is the extraordinarily disproportionate weight given the vote of citizens of less populous states. Under the present system Wyoming is given one electoral vote per 165,000 citizens, while Texas is given one electoral vote per 652,000 citizens. This makes the vote of a Wyoming citizen worth four times that of a Texas citizen. Secondly the Congressional District proposal does not take into account the self-serving gerrymandering which tends to carve up American votes as if in a feudal system, making incumbents virtually bullet-proof, so to speak, and guaranteeing a vote for the party in power when the district was drawn. Frequently Joe Six-pack will grumble and insist that the election should be decided in a winner-take-all popular vote. This system, usually put forth as a â€Å"Direct Vote with Plurality Rule† has its good points and its bad. It harkens back to the days of the Greek city-states, when the citizens of Athens would all gather to directly vote for their candidate. Under this system the Electoral College would be eliminated, which would require the above-mentioned amendment to the United States Constitution, which could take years to effect. Simplistically, this system would award the presidency to the candidate with the most popular votes, irrespective of whether he or she garners a majority. This system would not prevent the spoiler-effect from occurring when third-party candidates dilute the vote of one major party candidate, allowing the other to move ahead in the popular vote. And, in theory, a wide field of candidates could dilute the vote to such an extent that a winner could be declared although only winning a small plurality, should the field be large enough. With this concern, and the necessity to amend the Constitution, there are surely better alternatives.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Arrangment in Black and White Essay -- essays research papers

Dorothy Parker’s â€Å"Arrangement in Black and White† is set during a dinner party for the host’s friend, Walter Williams, an African American musician. Though the party is celebrated in his name, most of the conversation takes place between the host and the main character, the woman with pink velvet poppies. From the conversation, the audience can deduce that though this woman admires Walter Williams’s musical talent, she is unable to let go of the racist sentiment against his African American heritage. The author adds a flavor of sophisticated cynicism as she makes this point clear by having the main characters ironically make frequent references concerning how â€Å"untroubled† she is about the color of his skin. This argument is further emphasized when she greets Walter Williams; her body language and topic choice gives her predicament away. Through this story Parker implies that with the end of slavery did not entail the changing of the heart ’s and mind’s of its supporters, no matter how much one can deny it to oneself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dorothy Parker sets up her main character be in conflict with all her possessed qualities. For example, although her age is never stated, she seems young judging by her energetic and outspoken qualities, but old enough to be married and have set opinions toward other races. Also, though she comes across as a woman with a forward nature—shown as she grabs the host’s arm to get her attention—she also is seen as a nervous character, bec...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Proposal for Reparations of African Americans Essay

During the mid 1950s to late 1960s African Americans started responding to the oppressive treatment shown to them by the majority of white people in the country. They responded to the segregation of blacks and whites during that time and the double standards the African Americans were held to. African Americans responded to their suppression by participating in boycotts, marches, sit-ins, and trying to get legislation passed so that they could overcome their degrading situation. They were successful in many of these actions and through them brought around more rights for African Americans. Boycotts were a major way that the African Americans got their voices and wants heard. The most famous boycott was probably the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat to a white man, Martin Luther King Jr. , urged the people of Montgomery to boycott the bus system. African Americans didn’t want to be considered substandard to white people, and they didn’t want to be forced to be subservient to them on buses. They didn’t think it was fair that they had to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white people. As King put it, â€Å"[†¦] there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled over by the iron feet of oppression† (King 347). Because African Americans were ready to do something to support their rights they followed King’s advice to â€Å" [†¦] work with grim and firm determination to gain justice on the buses in this city [through boycotting]† (King 348) The Montgomery bus boycott made the public transportation system realize how important African Americans were to the transportation system. The combined effect of loss of money and pressure from around the country created a victory for the African American Civil Rights movement. The boycott lasted 382 days, until the law allowing racial segregation on buses was lifted and white people and African-Americans were able to sit wherever they wished to on buses. There were also boycotts of businesses where the segregation of African Americans was still very prevalent. Many of these boycotts were successful. The boycotts caused enough financial difficulties that the segregated businesses either had to close or integrate. Diners where African Americans had to sit separate from white people or where African Americans weren’t served at all were boycotted against as well until that diner served African Americans and allowed them to sit wherever they wanted and with whomever they wanted. Diners also faced the difficulty of sit-ins if they refused to serve African Americans. In Greensboro, North Carolina, a black college student named Joseph McNeill was refused service at the counter of a restaurant. The next day he and three of his friends came and sat at the lunch counter waiting to be served. They weren’t served that day. The four of them returned to the lunch counter each day, but were never served. The students were aware each day that they came to the lunch counter that they would probably not be served, but â€Å"they were also aware that this form of nonviolent protest could be a powerful method in accomplishing the desegregation of lunch counters† (McElrath 1). Then, an article in the New York Times, brought notice to this sit-in and many other students joined in on the sit-in. This started a chain of sit-ins around the country to protest the ill-treatment of African-Americans. Despite many hardships, including being beaten and doused with Ammonia, more people kept showing up at these demonstrations. The sit-ins were effective in the fact that restaurants either served the African-Americans at the counter, or closed down. In one case a restaurant took out all of the chairs in the restaurant so that no one could be served anywhere, which ended up causing him to have to close down. In addition to sit-ins, there were also kneel-ins at churches where African-Americans were not allowed to worship due to race. Sit-ins and kneel-ins were very effective. As John F. Kennedy said, â€Å"[the protestors] have shown that the new way for Americans to stand up for their rights is to sit down† (Kennedy 1). Marches were also a prevalent way in which African Americans showed their discontent and fought out for their rights. Black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. led marches on major cities, trying to voice their support of the Civil Rights movement. One of the first marches in support of Civil Rights was the protest march led by three ministers, including Martin Luther King Jr. , in Birmingham, Alabama. The march was met by policemen and dogs and the three ministers were put into jail. This was where King wrote his inspiring, â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail,† which set forth the need for the non-violent protest against unjust laws. This call for non-violent protests was one of the major factors that induced people to take the path of non-violent protests in order to promote Civil Rights. Perhaps the most famous march in favor of Civil Rights was The March on Washington. Civil Rights leaders, Bayard Rustin and Philip Randolph, were the chief planners of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. They wanted â€Å"to embody in one gesture civil rights as well as national economic demands. † (Randolph 1). The march was held on August 28, 1963, and more than 200,000 demonstrators gathered in front of the Washington Memorial to protest against the ill treatment of minorities, primarily African Americans, and to listen to many speakers, including Martin Luther King Jr. , who gave his famous â€Å"I have a dream† speech. The march had six official goals, but the major one was the passage of the civil rights law that the Kennedy administration had proposed after the problems in Birmingham. The march gained its purpose, but not without much controversy and struggle. The African American voice could not be ignored though, and many advances for Civil Rights were gained through the March on Washington, a march that would â€Å"go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation† (King 1) Another very effective response to the degradation of African Americans was to try to get legislation passed. One of the landmark cases for Civil Rights was Brown v. Board of Education. This case over-turned the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson which said that schools could be segregated as long as they were equal in education and facilities. Brown v. Board of Education explicitly said that there is no way that separate can be equal and that by having â€Å"separate but equal† schools, the government was blatantly ignoring the 14th amendment which states, â€Å"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State [†¦]deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws† (Congress 1). This court case caused the schools to be integrated, which was one of the first steps to racial equality. Another important ruling in the fight for Civil Rights was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that, â€Å"All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation [†¦] without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origins† (Congress 350) This meant that. African Americans couldn’t be turned down from jobs due solely to race, their voting rights couldn’t be taken into question due to race, and they couldn’t be denied service in any public facilities. This piece of legislation had a far reaching impact, and furthered along the Civil Rights movement. Another very important piece of legislation was the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This outlawed the use of literacy tests to determine the right to vote. This gave more African Americans the ability to vote and to have a say in the government that was ruling them. The ability to vote allowed African Americans to have a voice in government and to elect people that they thought would further their rights. The ability of African Americans to get legislation passed that supported their rights was a major step in the improvement of the treatment of African Americans and made it so that legally people could not discriminate against, segregate, or deny voting rights to them. The different responses of the African American Community, including boycotts, marches, sit-ins, and fighting for legislation, changed civil rights in the United States. The African Americans fought out against injustice, just as our founding fathers fought out against the injustice of the British. Their efforts helped create a more integrated and accepting society where race is not the only thing people see when looking at a person. Although the society today is not perfectly accepting of all races, society is much more accepting than it was half a century ago, and that is due largely to the African American movements in favor of Civil Rights. Works Cited â€Å"Brown v. Board of Education. † Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 2 Feb 2007 . â€Å"African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968). † Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 29 Jan 2007 . â€Å"Brief Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement (1954 – 1965). † Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement. 29 Jan 2007 . King, Martin Luther. â€Å"Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Defends Seamstress Rosa Parks, 1955. † Major Problems in American History Volume II. Edited. Edited. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. â€Å"The March on Washington. † The Civil Rights Movement. 2 Feb 2007 . McElrath, Jessica. â€Å"African American History. † Lunch Counter Sit-Ins. About. 2 Feb 2007 .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Jonathan Swift Contrast

Thesis statement: In the satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal,† Jonathan Swift addresses a problem that is extremely serious on a grand scale and uses a somber tone to present his solution; however, in the parody â€Å"An Innocent Proposal,† Benjamen Pewitt refers to a less significant concern and his plan to fix it is meant to be hilarious. I. Problem A. Swift B. Pewitt II. Solution A. Swift B. Pewitt Most people have watched and probably laughed at the television series South Park or the movie Spaceballs. These are two great examples of satire and a parody.Satires and parodies are created in all kinds of formats from movies and television shows to music, books, and plays. One of their main purposes is to entertain the audience, and most of the time they are extremely humorous. But they are also created for very specific reasons. For example, the Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines satire as â€Å"a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn . † An example is in an episode of South Park when Stan’s girlfriend breaks up with him because his Facebook status is single. This makes fun of America’s obsession with Facebook.As further noted by Merriam-Webster a parody is â€Å"A literary or musical work in which the style of the author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule. † Spaceballs is a great representation of this definition because it mocks Star Wars, and the entire plot for the movie is based on Star Wars. In the satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal† Jonathan Swift addresses a problem that is extremely serious on a grand scale and uses a somber tone to present his solution; however, in the parody â€Å"An Innocent Proposal† Benjamen Pewitt refers to a less significant concern, and his plan to fix it is meant to be hilarious.Swift’s home country, Ireland, is in a dire state of need, and they are becoming desperate. People’s lives are at stake if sign ificant obstacles are not soon overcome. Jane E. Aaron, the author of the textbook 40 Model Essays, best summarizes the situation by writing, â€Å"Several years of crop failures had resulted in widespread starvation among the Irish poor, yet the government of England†¦and the well-to-do Irish had done nothing to help† (356). This reveals the causes of this disaster. Swift illustrates the severity of the problem when he states, â€Å"It is a melancholy object to . . see the streets, roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms† (357). This really paints a picture of how disgusting the streets of Ireland are becoming. Swift talks about how this is ruining the future of Ireland when he says these poor children of Ireland grow up, and they â€Å"either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spai n, or sell themselves to the Barbados† (357).Therefore, if this tragedy in Ireland is not soon fixed, then the Irish society may collapse. In contrast, Pewitt writes about a minor problem occurring in high schools everywhere, which is the public display of affection. In a truly accurate assessment, Pewitt points out, â€Å"It is definitely a disgusting sight to see a person pinned to the wall and has become a distraction to both the participant and the innocent passerby† (45). It is indeed highly painful to watch this happen, but nowhere near as hurtful to see women and children stealing and â€Å"begging† for food in the â€Å"streets of Ireland. Public display of affection is just one of many small disciplinary hurdles for high schools to overcome, on the other hand the obstacle in Ireland is the main concern for the future of the entire country. Another statement that demonstrates the level of difference between the two problems is when Pewitt opens his essay by insisting â€Å"High school administrators, react now and save many minutes of valuable time and reduce your stress level tremendously† (45). Pewitt is concerned with teacher’s free time and â€Å"stress level,† however Swift is trying to save the entire country of Ireland from â€Å"widespread starvation.Although public display of affection is not a very pleasant sight to see and is a growing concern in High Schools, it is not nearly a disaster to the same magnitude as a collapsing society. The solution given by Swift in his essay is intended to be taken very seriously. Even though it is not realistic, he uses a very somber tone as he reveals it. His proposal is for his country to actually use the babies in â€Å"rags† that are burdens on their mothers to â€Å"contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands. This way the mothers will have fewer expenses to worry about, and they can actually make extra money by selling thei r babies for lots of value if they are properly fed for nutritional purposes. Also the whole country would benefit because these babies would help feed many more people since crops are not producing enough. He presents this outrageous claim in such a serious manner in order to get people’s attention, and to show them how desperately they need an answer. He implies they might as well start killing babies if any type of effort is not put forth to help, otherwise people are going to keep dying anyway if nothing else is done.His somber tone is crucial in his attempt to make the audience aware of the intensity of this tragedy and convince them that action needs to take place soon. On the contrary, the plan asserted by Pewitt seems meaningless therefore is intended more for entertainment. There is no real threat the public display of affection really poses, and it is something that will continue to happen in future no matter what is done. In other words, Pewitt is mocking the work of Swift, and is simply trying to get a good laugh from his audience.His solution to the public display of affection is an â€Å"easily accessible fornication grotto. † He explains the â€Å"grotto† will include â€Å"soft beds and couches, and some very low Barry White music to set the mood†(45) and even a â€Å"professional advisor† to help coach. This shows how sarcastic Pewitt really gets in the humorous tone he uses. In summary, Swift is genuinely trying to fix a problem which may produce severe consequences by suggesting a ridiculous solution to get people’s attention, and Pewitt parodies his work by sarcastically suggesting the most hilarious plan imaginable.Swift and Pewitt use two totally different approaches to answering two totally different problems, and they do this for two completely different reasons. Swift attempts to save the country of Ireland with the use of satire. He writes in a somber tone and offers his unrealistic plan of ea ting babies to get people’s attention and open their eyes to how dire the situation is becoming. This outrageous idea Swift has came up with serves as â€Å"ridicule† toward the Irish people for not taking any action.He is telling them if they are not going to think of something they might as well resort to his plan, because people are dying anyway. Pewitt, on the other hand, presents his â€Å"fornication grotto† as a sarcastically ridiculous answer for public display of affection as a parody to the work of Swift. Although, his concern is meaningless in contrast to Swift’s, and this is why his tone is not to be taken seriously. Swift’s satire was written for an extremely important cause, and all Pewitt wants in his parody is a good laugh.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Base Forms of Words

Definition and Examples of Base Forms of Words In English grammar, a base is the form of a word to which prefixes and suffixes  can be added to create new words. For example, instruct is the base for forming instruction, instructor, and reinstruct. Also called a root or stem. Put another way, base forms are words that are not derived from or made up of other words. According to  Ingo Plag, The term root is used when we want to explicitly  refer to the indivisible central part of a complex word. In all other cases, where the status of a form as indivisible or not is not an issue, we can just speak of bases (or, if the base is a word, base words) (Word-Formation in English, 2003). Examples and Observations In most situations, the user of English has no problem at all recognizing prefixes, bases, and suffixes. For instance, in the sentence, They repainted the old car, the complex word repainted obviously has three elementsa prefix, a base, and a suffix: re paint ed. The base paint is the words semantic core, the starting place for describing what the word is being used to mean in a given utterance. The prefix and suffix add semantic content to that core, the prefix re adding the content again, and the suffix ed adding in the past. (D. W. Cummings, American English Spelling. JHU Press, 1988) Base Forms and Word Roots [The term base] refers to any part of a word seen as a unit to which an operation can be applied, as when one adds an affix to a root or stem. For example, in unhappy the base form is happy; if -ness is then added to unhappy, the whole of this item would be considered the base to which the new affix is attached. Some analysts, however, restrict the term base to be equivalent to root, the part of a word remaining when all affixes have been removed. In such an approach, happy would be the base form (the highest common factor) of all its derivations- happiness, unhappy, unhappiness, etc. This meaning leads to a special use in prosodic morphology to define the portion of the output in correspondence with another portion of the form, especially the reduplicant. (David Crystal,  Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th ed. Blackwell, 2008) Citation Forms For adjectives, e.g. bad, the base form is the so-called absolute form (as against the comparative form worse, or the superlative form worst). For other word classes, e.g. adverb or preposition, where there are no grammatical variants, there is only one form that can be the headword. These base forms of words, the headwords of dictionary entries, may be termed the citation forms of lexemes. When we want to talk about the lexeme sing, then the form that we cite (i.e. quote) is the base formas I have just doneand that is taken to include all the grammatical variants (sings, singing, sang, sung). (Howard Jackson, Words and Their Meaning. Routledge, 2013) Bases in Complex Words Another classic problem of morphology [is] the case of a complex word with a recognizable suffix or prefix, attached to a base that is not an existing word of the language. For example, among the -able words are words such as malleable and feasible. In both cases the suffix -able (spelled -ible in the second case because of a different historical origin for the suffix) has the regular meaning be able, and in both cases the -ity form is possible (mealleability and feasibility). We have no reason to suspect that able/ible here is not the real suffix -able. Yet if it is, then malleable must be broken down as malle able and feasible as feas ible; but there are no existing words (free morphemes) in English such as malle or feas, or even malley or fease. We thus have to allow for the existence of a complex word whose base exists only in that complex word . . .. (A. Akmajian, R. A. Demers, A. K. Farmer, R. M. Harnish, Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT, 2001)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition of Gadsden Purchase

Definition of Gadsden Purchase The Gadsden Purchase was a strip of territory the United States purchased from Mexico following negotiations in 1853. The land  was purchased because it was considered to be a good route for a railroad across the Southwest to California. The land comprising the Gadsden Purchase is in southern Arizona and the southwestern part of New Mexico. The Gadsden Purchase represented the last parcel of land acquired by the United States to complete the 48 mainland states. The transaction with Mexico was controversial, and it intensified the simmering conflict over slavery and helped to inflame the regional differences that eventually led to the Civil War. Background of the Gadsden Purchase Following the Mexican War, the boundary between Mexico and the United States set by the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ran along the Gila River. Land to the south of the river would be Mexican territory. When Franklin Pierce became president of the United States in 1853, he backed the idea of a railroad that would run from the American South to the West Coast. And it became apparent that the best route for such a railroad would run through northern Mexico. The land to the north of the Gila River, in United States territory, was too mountainous. President Pierce instructed the American minister to Mexico, James Gadsden, to purchase as much territory in northern Mexico as possible. Pierces secretary of war, Jefferson Davis, who would later be the president of the Confederate States of America, was a strong supporter of a southern rail route to the West Coast. Gadsden, who had worked as a railroad executive in South Carolina, was encouraged to spend up to $50 million to buy as much as 250,000 square miles. Senators from the North suspected that Pierce and his allies had motives beyond simply building a railroad. There were suspicions that the real reason for the land purchase was to add territory in which slavery could be legal. Consequences of the Gadsden Purchase Because of objections of suspicious northern legislators, the Gadsden Purchase was scaled back from the original vision of President Pierce. This was an unusual circumstance where the United States could have obtained more territory but chose not to. Ultimately, Gadsden reached an agreement with Mexico to purchase about 30,000 square miles for $10 million. The treaty between the United States and Mexico was signed by James Gadsden on December 30, 1853, in Mexico City. And the treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate in June 1854. The controversy over the Gadsden Purchase prevented the Pierce administration from adding any more territory to the United States. So the land acquired in 1854 essentially completed the 48 states of the mainland. Incidentally, the proposed southern rail route through the rough territory of the Gadsden Purchase was partly the inspiration for the U.S. Army to experiment by using camels. The secretary of war and proponent of the southern railway, Jefferson Davis, arranged for the military to obtain camels in the Middle East and ship them to Texas. It was believed the camels would eventually be used to map and explore the region of the newly acquired territory. Following the Gadsden Purchase, the powerful senator from Illinois, Stephen A. Douglas, wanted to organize territories through which a more northern railroad could run to the West Coast. And the political maneuvering of Douglas eventually led to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which further intensified tensions over slavery. As for the railroad across the Southwest, that was not completed until 1883, nearly three decades after the Gadsden Purchase.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Managing across culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing across culture - Essay Example Being the Management Consultant for the telecommunications company which is planning to take its business to the international level and market; it becomes very important to make a thorough study about the available literatures on the different challenges that a company faces on a foreign soil and make recommendations accordingly. During the initial study, the team has found a number of possible challenges that could pose a threat to the smooth internationalisation of the company. Among the several challenges â€Å"culture shock and poor adjustment† seems to have the greater potential for disturbing the smooth internationalisation of the company. The first part or Part One of this research paper discusses the different available literatures and their observations. 1.2: Definition of â€Å"Culture† According to Adler (2008) culture can be defined as an integrated system of behavior among the human beings which takes into consideration the thoughts, beliefs, languages, co mmunications, customs and values, mannerisms of ethnic, religious, racial or social groups of people and the ability of those very people in conveying the same attitude their succeeding generations. Thus, a lot of elements joins together to form a specific culture for a group of people. From the very elements, it could be understood that culture is not a day’s process or a matter of a few months but instead culmination of habits and attitudes over a prolonged period of time and as result of multiple behavioral elements or factors (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1998). 1.3: Relation between Culture and Working Attitude According to the study and observations made by Berry, et al (2002) a human being is highly influenced by the culture to which he or she has been raised up in. As observed by Browaeys and Price (2008), culture is a system of behavior consisting of varied elements that shapes up their life and other activities associated with their lives. The culture of an individual affe cts the psychology, that is, the thought process. The psychology in turn decides the behavior, attitude and goal of an individual’s life, the likes and dislikes, and even most importantly, their working attitude. The findings of Buchanan and Huczynski (2004) in their study indicate this very fact. An individual is highly influenced by the culture to which he or she belongs. It is so because it impacts an individual from a very tender age, during the very basic years of an individual when one’s beliefs, emotions, outlook and attitude is at the nascent stage. Culture moulds the attitude of an individual at every stage, when an individual forms their attitudes towards their family, education and institutional life, their personal circles, and their attitude towards work. Culture has a greater role to play in shaping the attitude towards work of an individual. Burnes (2000) observe that different cultural factors have been influencing the communication skills and practices of the individuals in the workplace and working atmosphere for a long time. The perception of work and work pressure is also dependent on an individual’s attitude towards work. For instance, one who has been surrounded by a strong working culture will be highly motivated to work hard, turn the most impossible task into reality, the individual will not give up in any case. On the other hand an individual who has been experiencing a lethargic working culture w